Pricipal's Message



I am Fr. Augustine Topno. Today, on July 15, 2020 I am joining the office of the Principal in Sacred Heart School, Adra. During the past years, I had offered my services in a similar capacity in St. Joseph’s School, Anandpur, in St. Xavier’s School, Purulia and in Loyola School, Kumardhubi. Today as I join the Principal’s office, I am glad to be a part of this renowned institute of Education. It is eight months since the first outbreak of COVID-19. Its global spread has totally traumatized the entire humanity. Our social, political, economic and religious systems are on hold for unpredictable time. This Pandemic no doubt also has impacted Education life of schools. Optimistically, a lot of learning is taking place in this changed scenario – first, as to how we can respond to this COVID -19 clinically and attitudinally. Secondly, in a very short span of time, we have shifted from traditional system of imparting education to ONLINE system of education using the technology. Isn’t this challenge worth taking?As I pen this, I extend a heartfelt gratitude to Fr. Linus Kindo, an outgoing Principal for his contribution in bringing Sacred Heart School, Adra to the present height and wish him good luck for new assignment. And may I now submit myself to undertake responsibility to cater to the Sacred Heart School and its students. May I therefore, request you dear parents, your support in the all-round formation of young generation in making them worthy citizens of our country, India..
Thank you!
Fr. Augustine Topno
Sacred Heart School, Adra

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